The Rear View Mirror


I woke this morning at 4 AM, with thoughts of the past rolling around in my head.  Not upsetting, just kind of observing them.  Knowing that my life is ahead of me, and because of the lessons the past taught me, life will only become more rich, more full, more joyful.  I happened to see this meme on FB almost first thing.  Totally expresses what I am feeling.  Love and light, everyone.

Where to Start


I saw Cheryl Strayed (Wild) on tv this morning.  In this quote, Let yourself be gutted.  How many people reading this have been gutted?  Turn it into a positive.  “Let it open you.”  yes…..

My God, what a brilliant evolved woman she is.  I knew that she was, when I read her book, but listening to her…she has just continued the journey.  So, here are a few of her quotes, her inspiration.

jump high



Don’t Hide

Don't hide your scars

I’m too tired to write tonight.  I was up late with book club last night, and worked a long busy day. But I found this, and thought, yes, it’s a good thought to share tonight.  We all have them, wounds and stitched up places.  Don’t hide them, don’t be embarrassed.  They make you more beautiful.  Those are the things that make you glow, because they let the light in.